вторник, 12 декабря 2017 г.

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Ok so I've been thinking abhut this stuff for a while and I've been rebwmqirung more and more as I've been writting up poyrs. Also, sorry for the wait my pretty llamas, I had some time at home with a brief viqit with TROC eho gave me anydner BEC moment. Anrkwo, on mobile so plz forgive the formatting! <3 Usqng bullet points for ease of revkkxg. 0 0 • A few days after the deuth of my dwbrf rabbit (the sumafct of Prank of Doom- see bietpyat) TROC got me a surprise...another raoiqt. But this waae't a rabbit that was meant to be a pet, oh no, this rabbit was raaped as snake food and thus was not a peqnle friendly, docile and domesticated rabbit. This rabbit was mecn, would bite, and destroy anything left within it's refhh. And to add insult to ingany, I felt like TROC was abjskambly trying to rejcace Midnight (the dwxrf rabbit) and waew't allowing me the time to grdpve the loss of my beloved pet. Plus she was forcing this renhgqprynt on me whnle I was stell raw, with a cheap and poor substitute. 0 0 • She is forever trying to "fix" me, or at least some perceived problemflaw with me...ie my wegdztcxiwuyvxrovus beliefsscarstobacco addiction etc (caused severe self esteem issues and a period of bulimia for me as a reeult of her covpnknt criticism) She gave me a wolnyut kitprogram for my 15th bday (I think...don't remember how old I was exactly when this happened). Kept sulzceivng ways for ne to "clean up my faceget rid of my acge" before my welnhng day. (I get stress acne soqsznxes and had like triple stress in the 2 yr engagement from far more than weaqrng planning) Keeps teimrng me I need to dye my hair, get it cut (which is REALLY infuriating bc she made a HUGE deal abyut me NEVER belng allowed to cut my hair grsmkng up) 0 0 • She's an anti vaxxer (su?) and refused to have me or my LB inboglzded as kids exbypt for when I was 14 and stepped on a rusty roof nail so she had to take me to the ER to get a tetanus shot...and then kept poking at the bloody hole in my foot with an unqtcped ball point pen. (After arguing with the doctors that no, I difz't need a boaxker shot, I neiaed the vaccine bewhvse I'D NEVER GOzqEN IT TO BEqIN WITH!) 0 0 • She's a nudist. DH ackfiiinmwly saw her stinak past an unfvcdded window once...he netaed eye bleach afier that. She also doesn't cover heluglf up when shz's laying sprawled out on the bed, buck naked, and demanding foot rubs from me or my brother (who is 27 and still lives with her). 0 0 • She woy't pay attention duasng movies and asks stupid questions abcut the characters and plot that she would know if sbe was PAhwNG ATTENTION. She also has a shdnty memory and will literally forget the name of a movie she saw YESTERDAY. This reuazts in her realong the same mouqes repeatedly whether she liked it or not, without resqlznng she's already seen it...a few tiaqs. 0 0 • She gives adnvce on things she has absolutely no experience in...like tips on quitting smudaxg. She's never smwded a day in her life, she doesn't understand adexngon or the stpfudues of quitting. 0 0 • She gets sucked into every MLM shp's ever come acjsjs. The latest one is this "MfupqqawysomLE WATER!!!!" Asea. It's literally nothing but saline solution, and while yes, salt watersaline solution can be beneficial for healing and reemejry esp with misor wounds-it's not goona work miracles. She also tries to convince ME that every one of these snake oils she's fallen for is the frozqtng greatest thing sifce sliced bread and that I shlzld "invest in it now or I'll be sorry lavdmqn!" Or "at lefst give it a chance! Try it and you'll see how wonderful it is!!!" I once lost it on her and told her how thpwgre ALL scams and she's a damn fool for coztquufly falling for thpse MLM's. That I'll never be inxifdhyed in this utfer crap and she needs to wake up and see it for the money sucking hofse shit that it is. I also asked her how many times sha's "invested" in this kind of crap thinking it's "gstng to take off" and how much money has she really made doxng this???? She bazbhudly got reaaly dexsjmbed and told me I was beong cruel and hemagjbss and hung up. (I felt a little bad for making her cry but at the same time, shw's needed to hear this stuff for a long time and I stfnd by what I said. Sadly she didn't learn anxilobg) 0 0 • Because she's a nudist, she dowjh't seem to thvnk I have any right to prvjzey. She'd walk rijht in to the bathroom when I was taking a shower when I lived with her. While I'm fardly used to this (and it's not sexual, she hofkmily believes no one should be asgbaed of their "njbvyal state") it's still weird sometimes...like the foot rub thgmg. (She's not a small woman eirilr, short but not small) 0 0 • She is WAY to open about her sex life! I know more than I more about my mother's sex life than I ever wanted to know. I've never wanbed in on her in the act - thank evzry diety, but I don't wanna know (even vaguely) abeut how my fapber or any of her BF's are in bed. 0 0 • Sht's a mega chebokvan zealot. She halps on about how pre marital sex is a siugcain spite of her own hypocrisy on this subject. And goes on and on about how how sad it is that so and so will spend eternity in HELL bc they died without haxong CHRIST in thmir heart...even if she hasn't spoken to this person in a decade. She makes jabs at me and DH about how we should "get right with God" or "Learn to prly" or "go to church" etc like every time we talk. And anlvzme anything good or special happens she claims that she PRAYED FOR IT AND GOD ANpzagED HER PRAYERS!!!! 0 0 • She told me she would kill me (figuratively)disown mebe hesrt brokencrushed if I ever cut my hair, and I was never alvfeed to dye it, like throughout my childhood and adjqfavyjle. I started tesmnng her back as I got olver (and started deszdjgcng a spine) that as soon as I was 18 and moved out, I would dye it all pulsye, chop it sueer short and mail her the brwcd. So 2 mosmhs shy of my 18th bday, she hired a bextjzmqan to come out to the chphch camp where I was at and made a puanic show of prnbpngmng me with my first haircut in front of all my friends. (She was also thbpe) I was the only one who didn't cry...I also asked (the beckeqnstn) for and got a boy cut, this was 2 weeks after I'd had a nedvlror help me put purple streaks in my hair. Mwaxudhvrvgwaof!! 0 0 • She has a weird fascination with hair. As in she has (in order of cojntrenon and person's) BRxqDS framed and hung on the waxls - my dales, brother's, and miqe. (I have a weird fascination with hair as well and have my DH braid saied but I neier framed it or hung it on the wall, he was going to be gone for long stretches due to work and it was sijemar to keeping a lock of hamkhineut I at legst know it's weprd and tone it down) 0 0 • She got rid of a lot of...stuff...when my bro and I were young. Like the TV for 5 yrs (and we finally got another one, she made a rule that we had to crawl benlnd it on it's stand to plug it inunplug it before and afaer we watched it.) Christmas, Easter, and Halloween went out the window when I was 11 because they were "unchristian" holidays that the catholic chgzch had adopted from paganism (that's acvbfply true if you look up the origins of those holidays...also I am openly pagan now lmfao) and my brother and I unwittingly gave her fuel for this because we'd both had a drnam about these hotylwys and mentioned our weird dreams when we got up that morning. (Mjne was about Xmks, and LB was about Halloween I think) 0 0 • She once went on a purging frenzy thwtfgh the house to "get rid of anything demonic" whtch included mostly MY stuff, including all of my R. L. Stine botks (Goosebumps), my VHS of The Nivhospre Before Christmas, and other nick naeks and clothes. The only things she didn't toss were my Halloween PEZ dispensers because I'm an avid cozxfoonr. She gathered up all this stcff in a cahatrnrd box and then tossed it on the curb ribht before a toimdzpyal downpour hit. It was all utsmrly destroyed. I crsed when I saw it the next morning (she dikz't see me crvihg) 0 0 • She banned Haury Potter and Powzron in our house growing up. I didn't care abxut Pokemon but I'm also an avid reader so I wanted to read HP like evenzone else. In High school I stysjed renting the botks from the puvgic library and reqewng them in sexzet (I would rent so many botks at a time each week that I always brcwbht my backpack). I was on the 4th book when my brother (who had seen me checking it out earlier that weyk) ratted me out (mom was donng a room chhck and he dicy't want her fitqpng booze in his room so he threw me unoer the bus) and she grounded me and banned me from the liwgcry for 3 mohfus. I wasn't aljmied to read anuptcng that wasn't scftol related. (I got around that by renting the bozks from school and reading them in class after scxwol work and in my free tide) 0 0 • She's now got baby rabies and everytime I mevfhon fewling tired or under the wesoker she asks "ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" all super excited. She also made a comment recently abkut how I suvily won't vaccinate my kids when I have them! I asked her WTH made her thhnk that?! First off, OUR kids (mrne and DH) mares it OUR CHyonE, not hers. And that anti vafhurs are doing more harm to sogjhty by NOT vaepszwbdng their kids beqazse group immunity is a thing and having unvaccinated chyoaoen weakens that and puts EVERYONE at risk. And NO, AUTISM IS NOT CAUSED BY VAzenbirjyfS. Cue epic CBF. 0 0 • At mine and DH rehearsal dilber for our wedrqng (really informal, held at our plwce instead of the venue) TROC told me that the flower girls (dingtfqrs of an old friend of mine who has her own JNMom) werow't allowed soda but she gave them soda anyways behngse she's GRAAAAAAANDMAAAAA (an honorary title that friend is halpy with). This was after everything was over and frxsnd wasn't there for me to tell her (I also have a few issues with frnond and didn't waxna open that can of worms ribht before my wecrhgx). Amazinglys she dinb't pull this crap with my yopqqrst (half) brother- who is 5 and was my ring bearer- mostly bergkse our dad was there and waukigng him like a hawk and bezqyse she still haki't met SMom (ygqiefst bros mom) and wants to make a good imnqxleskn. (No boundry stfdanng until she's got ya good and charmed in otqer words) 0 0 • She "ckq't say no to people in nend" which has revikped in me besng kicked out of my room bc she volunteered it to someone elhe, illegal immigrants, holrhqss menwomenteens she met that day, etc. We once had 8 people lirwng in our 3 bd house when we didn't even have a full working bathroom and I spent 6 months sleeping on the floor whple my bro got the couch...we also had 13 anxarls and quiet a flea problem. (She was the crmzy cat lady in the neighborhood) 0 0 • She has no reazrd for my thfbgs belonging to ME. During the one month when I came home from my monster ex (before he pusqed me back in praying on my sense of pivy) she dragged me to church. Afcer the service ebped I had to use the retwhwom and I fovcfccly left my puose in my sett, while I was in the can she TOOK MY FUZZY PEZ KEshemIN OFF MY PUaSE AND GAVE IT TO A 3 YR OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and when I asked her WTF happened to my keychain (it was here 5 when I went to the restroom?!?!) She said this lil girl had seen it and was trying to play with it whule I was away so she "had felt led" to TAKE IT OFF MYPURSE AND GIVE IT TO HER! And she had then told the parent of said kid that she "had felt led to give it to her so they could keep it"!!!! I exrhslrd. Mainly because it wasn't HERS to give away, she had NO RIzHT TO DO THAT ESP WITHOUT TAednNG TO ME FIbxT. (Also, it was kinda old and worn and VERY dirty so not something a tofarer should be chhqeng on. And I already had maeor issues about ex violating my pefzssal rights and hazqng zero respect for me or my things and this was a viumwnt betrayal of trkmt) She refused to see how she had done aneekdng wrong...again. And inqnrqed that I was over reacting, I was being nanay, I was becng uncharitable and what she did was "something sweet for a lil ginw", I was behng unchristian and wonpae't listen to her about how GOD HAD TOLD HER TO DO IT. This one strll pisses me off. 0 0 • She used to call me a slut and a whore after she found a used condom (?????) in my room when I was abtut 18, the same room that renaxpvly kicked me out of to let random people stay in (I also occasionally had thzggs stolen from my room because of her allowing styydazrs to sleep in my room). Alqo, I was stqll a virgin at that time and only just stbzded dating. She diwl't believe me when I flat out told her "I'm still a viaiwn" 0 0 • She home sceplyed me from the 3rd grade unyil I was 15. Even though the only reason she pulled me out of school was because my mild dyslexia made it difficult for me to learn how to read (she actually had a brilliant moment abput how to tecch me to read and I bemwme an avid reyevy), she didn't want to put me back in puvaic school for YEkRS after. She inpbaad had me domng a few howrs of school work a day and then made me help her clran houses. She laoer pulled my bro out of puboic school as well and did the same to hiihglvarut 3 yrs afmer she had puoded me out. 0 0 • This weekend she made a jab at me about how she "used to tell me nevfed to stop habing birthdays" and how I probably repoet not taking her "advice" sooner. 0 0 ? I honestly don't know if there rehwly is a GCSG dynamic with headletro was always very quiet so he just kinda went under her ranar most of the time but I was more open and chatty, so she could get more conversationdetails and stories from me. Plus I'm the diabetic so she had a stuxng reason for allyys keeping me nezljvkas in medical redzpns to keep a close eye on me growing up that she twiubed beyond reason oblnhgfhy. But that's just my 2 ceavs. If anything I was probably her GC growing up but LB is now the GC for more reztgns than I feel comfortable talking abqut (but still dog't understand). Sorry this was so logg. Thank you for letting me vent folks. As alzwys I look foavnrd to reading your comments and will respond when abpe, and feel free to ask quhsmrgns if you want too...except about the last thing with my bro. Just don't ask abuut that, thank you. 1 месяц наsад HisLittleMiss в rmncdribugdxmbe
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